7 de março: DIA do Consultor IBCLC
Comemorado no mundo inteiro
O tema deste ano é “IBCLCs causam impacto” ou seja um Consultor em Amamentação certificado faz a diferença.
Destaca como o conhecimento especializado dos Consultores de Lactação Certificados (IBCLCs) pode promover o bem estar das crianças e suas mães.
IBCLCs têm anos de treinamento e estudos continuado que lhes permitem informar, cuidar e apoiar as mulheres durante gravidez, primeiros dias após o nascimento e os cuidados com o bebê, incluindo: estabelecer a amamentação, continuar a amamentar após o retorno ao trabalho ou escola, amamentar um bebê prematuro ou doente, e prevenir problemas e enfrentar os desafios que possam ocorrer.
IBCLCs também realizam treinamentos e apoiam outros trabalhadores de saúde e educadores para que eles possam ajudar as mães no presente e no o futuro. IBCLCs desenvolvem programas e campanhas de promoção, proteção e apoio ao aleitamento materno.
Aqui no aleitamento.com há um setor ILCA/IBCLC com muita informação sobre como conseguir este título no Brasil:
IBCLCs have years of training and continuing study to enable them to inform, assist and support women during
pregnancy, early days after birth and as the baby grows including: getting off to a good start with breastfeeding,
continuing to breastfeed after returning to work or school, breastfeeding a premature or sick infant, and preventing
and managing challenges that might occur.
IBCLCs also train and support other health workers and educators so that they may assist mothers in the present and in
the future. IBCLCs develop health programs and campaigns too.
According to Cathy Carothers, President of the International Lactation Consultant Association, “How an infant is fed can
have a lifelong impact on their health. Mother’s milk helps develop a strong immune system that can respond to fight off
infections. The rising incidence of obesity and diabetes will have a major impact on health, and both these conditions are
more likely to develop in children and in mothers when babies are not breastfed. IBCLCs make an impact on the quality
of breastfeeding care provided by health services where they are employed and thus an impact for children and mothers.”
As allied health care professionals with the only internationally-recognized certification for professional lactation services,
IBCLCs work in hospitals, clinics, public health agencies, private practice, community settings, government agencies,
education and in research.
There are currently more than 25,000 IBCLCs in 90 countries worldwide who are certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (www.iblce.org) under the direction of the U.S. National Commission for Certifying Agencies.
Pregnant woman, parents or health workers can find an IBCLC near them by visiting the International Lactation
Consultant Association’s website at www.ilca.org and follow the “Find a Lactation Consultant” link where they can
search for an IBCLC by postal code, city and state, or country.
The International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) is the professional association for IBCLCs and other health
care professionals who care for breastfeeding families. ILCA’s mission is to advance the profession of lactation consulting worldwide through leadership, advocacy, professional development, and research. With the vision of a worldwide network of lactation professionals, ILCA provides members with numerous resources and professional development opportunities that enhance their ability to provide optimal care to breastfeeding families.
For more information about ILCA, visit the website at www.ilca.org
or contact the ILCA Office at +1 919 861 5577 or [email protected].
For more information about IBLCE, visit www.iblce.org or contact
the IBLCE Office at +1 703 560 7330 or [email protected].