MÍMICOS: arte e talento na defesa da Amamentação e da Paternidade
“Breastfeeding: an Empowering Act”
The Company uses mime, giant origamies, big ballons and wooden legs to show a life story of a couple having their first baby and who has to face th “scientific imposition” and misinformation of doctors and the infant food industry.
“The Dream of the Friendly Hospital” play takes you through the day-to-day tragedies of the medication of health care practices, the commercialisation of infant feeding, and reveals the economics and ecological impact of bottle-feeding.
The other play “Mammals, to be or not to be” created for the IBFAN Rio campaign “Breastfeeding is an Ecological Act”, shows in a good humor way the harmony if breastfeeding (like the mammals) and the the confused routine of the artificial feeding. Living those experiences the couple discovers the importance of breastfeeding as an empowering act.
Those performances take approximately 20 minutes each one.
The Mime Theatre Company has performed in previous international conferences:
1992 – The Earth Summit / Global Forum / Rio 92 on the theme “Breastfeending is an Ecological Act” with IBFAN Rio, Brazil
1992 – The 20th World Congress of Pediatrics in Rio with UNICEF, Brazil
1994 – The 2nd International Congress of Pediatrics Nutrition in Lisbon, Portugal, with IBFAN Rio and UNICEF
1995 – Fourth World Conference On Women in Beijing, China
1996 – WABA Global Forum in Bangkok, Thailand.
1997 – Celebrating 40 years of Mother-to Mother Support – La Leche League International in Washington, USA
The Mime Theatre Company won the most important award for childrens play in Brazil in 93 with the play “Canto do Lobo”. This nom-verbal play tells five stories in 50 minutes with a powerful artistic imagination.
Actors: Marcia do Canto and Toninho Lobo
Directed by: Beth Zalcman
Music composed by: Nico Nicolaiewsky
Telefax: +55-21-556-3255
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