References on KMC
Cuidado Mãe-Canguru
Last update: 10/01/06
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The following abstracts on kangaroo mother care are reported in: UNICEF. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Kangaroo Mother Program, Bogotà, Colombia, November 1990. UNICEF, New York, 1992 (available free of cost, in English and Spanish from UNICEF, 3 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA)
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Riano de Otalora EMR. Promotion, diagnosis and early intervention for sensory motor alterations in biologically high risk infants. 45-56
Gonzales de Pinzon LE. Visual and ocular validation of the kangaroo mother program at the Instituto Materno Infantil in Bogotà. 57-62
Correa JA, Ramirez H. The kangaroo mother program at the Leon VIII neonatal service, Social Security Hospital, Antioquia, Colombia. 63-86
Valencia ML, Velez JD. The kangaroo mother program at San Rafael Yolombo Hospital, Antioquia, Colombia. 87-90
Gomez LA. Evaluation of two years of kangaroo mother program at Caldas Regional Hospital, Antioquia, Colombia. 91-102
Restrepo F, Lopez LS. The kangaroo mother program at Medellin General Hospital, Colombia. 103-106
Gaviria M. Kangaroo mother program: evaluation and implementation at San Juan de Turbo Hospital, Antioquia, Colombia. 107-126
Vargas NB, Correa JD. Fathers kangarooing and their ideas and psychological responses. 127-132
Lopez JM. Experiences with the kangaroo mother method at Joaquin Paz Borrero Hospital, Cali, Colombia. 133-142
Currea S. Ambulatory care of premature infants. 143-152
Feraudy PY. Kangaroo mother program: ambulatory care of the low birth weight newborn at San Gabriel Hospital, La Paz, Bolivia. 153-176
Arandia R, Morales L. Kangaroo mother program at the University of San Simeon, Cochabamba, Bolivia. 177-200
Camacho LL. Ambulatory care of premature infants in a maternity Hospiytal in Quito, Ecuador. 201-204
Stern C, Sloan NL, Pinto E. Kangaroo mother program – care of low birth weight neonates in Quito, Ecuador. 205-232
Arestegui RU. Evaluation of the pilot kangaroo mother program at San Bartolome Hospital, Lima, Peru. 233-248
Arestegui RU. Information about the pilot kangaroo mother program at San Bartolome Hospital, Lima, Peru. 249-254
Martinez JC. The kangaroo mother program is a great opportunity for modern neonatal care. 255-260
Picon C. Low birth weight premature infants: an environmental technology appropriate for resistance. 261-278
de Molina H. Evaluation of the kangaroo mother program at Dr Luis Edmundo Vasquez Hospital, Chalatenango, El Salvador. 279-282
Diaz-Rosello JLD, Lozano PM, Tenzer SM. Impaired growth of low birth weight infants in an early discharge program. 283-306
Meza GC, Rosales JM, Pineda DP. Efficacy of the kangaroo mother program in the development of low birth weight infants at Roosevelt Hospital, Guatemala. 307-350
Mulet RC, Figueroa de Leon R, Gonzales JV. Efficacy of the kangaroo mother program in the development of low birth weight neonates at the Social Security Obstetric Hospital, Guatemala. 351-364
de Leeuw R. History of kangaroo care in the neonatal department of the Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Holland. 365-370
Anderson GC. Overview of current knowledge about skin-to-skin (kangaroo) care for preterm infants. 371-390
Anderson GC. Risk in mother-infant separation post birth. 391-402
Ludington SM. Energy conservation during skin-to-skin contact between premature infants and their mothers. 403-416
Whitelaw A. Kangaroo baby care: just a nice experience or an important advance for preterm infants? 417-420
Wahlberg V. Alternative care for premature infants – The kangaroo method: advantages, risk and ethical questions. 421-430
Borel J, Mayorga GV, Vado LC. Alternate care for neonates weighing less than 1800 grams in the Bertha Calderon Roque Women’s Hospital, Managua, Nicaragua. 431-450
Davanzo R. Care of the low birth weight infants with the kangaroo mother method in developing countries. 451-474
Virgin C. The kangaroo method brings the child back to its mother. Present and future in Denmark. 475-485
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Occasional publications
Bergh AM. Implementation workbook for kangaroo mother care. Pretoria: MRC Research Unit for Maternal and Infant Health Care Strategies. Pretoria, South Africa, 2002
Breitbach KM. Development and validation of the nursing intervention “kangaroo care”. Master’s thesis, University of Iowa, 1994
Christensson K. Fathers are as effective as incubators for babies born by cesarean section. Karolinska Institutet Publications, 1994
Davanzo R. Care of the low birth weight infant with the kangaroo-mother method in developing countries. Guidelines for health workers. Bureau for International Cooperation in Maternal and Child Health, Istituto per l’Infanzia, Trieste, Italy, 1993
de Leon F. The kangaroo care method: application and use. Presentation International Well Start, San Diego, 1992
Diaz-Rossello JL, Bellman M. Report of PAHO/WHO: early discharge/ambulatory care program for low birth weight ingants (kangaroo method). Centro Latino Americano de Perinatologia (CLAP), Montevideo, 1985 (Internal Document N° 2/85)
Kangaroo Mother Care Provincial Task Team. Kangaroo Mother Care policy and guidelines for the Western Cape Province. Cape Town, Western Cape Health Department, 2000
Kronson M. Evaluation of kangaroo care: management of low birthweight infants with maternal-infant skin-to-skin contact. Honours Thesis, Nutrition and Dietetics Unit, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 1996
Anderson GC. Kangaroo care of the premature infant. In: Goldson E (Ed.), Nurturing the premature infant: developmental interventions in the neonatal intensive care nursery (pp. 131-60). Oxford University Press, New York, 1999
Anderson GC. Touch and the kangaroo care method. In: Field T, ed. Touch in early development. Hillsdale: L. Earlbaum, 1995
Anderson GC, Chiu S-H, Morrison B, Burkhammer M, Ludington-Hoe SM. Skin-to-skin for breastfeeding difficulties postbirth. In: Field T, ed. Advances in touch. New Brunswick, NJ: Johnson & Johnson, 2004
Charpak N, Figueroa Z. El Metodo Canguro. Interamericana McGraw Hill, Bogota, 1997
Charpak N, Figueroa Z. La methode kangourou. ESF, Paris, 1996
Cohea M, Gale G. Kangaroo care in US NICUs: a handbook for caregivers. Petaluma, Ca:NANN Inc., 1996
Ludington-Hoe SM, Golant SK. Kangaroo care: the best you can do for your premature infant. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1993
McCloskey JC, Bulechek GM. Nursing interventions classification: Iowa intervention project (2nd ed). St. Louis: Mosby, 1996
Nilsson L. A child is born. New York, NY: Dell, 1990
Stening W, Roth B. The kangaroo method for premature infants. In: Blum I (Ed.), Prenatal perception. Berlin: Leonardo Publ, 1993
Fundación Canguro. “Piel a piel en la intimidad” (24 min, US$ 20). Available in NTSC and PAL-SECAM, English, French and Spanish. Carrera 39A #46-29, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia
Gloppestad K. From separation to closeness: parents’ experiences with closeness. Available in English or Norwegian from Kari Gloppestad, Department of Pediatrics, National Hospital, University of Oslo, Pilestredet 32, 0027 Oslo 1, Norway (25 min, $ 140.00)
Morton J. A premie needs his mother: first steps to breastfeeding your premature baby. Palo Alto, California, Videotransform, 2002.
Righard L, Frantz K. Delivery self-attachment. 1992. This videotape shows the efforts of three infants to locate and self-attach to the breast. Two succeed. The one who failed received maternal medication and was separated from the mother for a period immediately after birth (5 minutes; send a check payable to Life and Birth Bookstore for $14.95 to Life and Birth Bookstore, PO Box 70625, Seattle, WA 98107-0625)
Rosenberg S, Balmes R. Kangaroo care: a parent’s touch. 1995. The video captures the essence of kangaroo care in developed countries (send a check payable to Northwestern Memorial Hospital for $ 56 to Suzanne Rosenberg, RN, MS, Prentice Women’s Hospital, Room 484, 333 E. Superior St, Chicago, IL 60611)
Warwood T. Kangaroo care: orientation for health professionals. A twenty minute video covering basic information to be used in orientation of new personnel in sites where kangaroo care is offered or is planned to be offered. Available from Teresa Warwood, 2638 E. 1600 North, Layton, Utah 84040, USA. Phone +1 801 546 4253
Widstrom AM, Ransjo-Arvidson AB, Christensson K. Breastfeeding is … Baby Choice. 1993. The videotape documents the remarkable ability of the newborn infant to initiate breastfeeding during the first two hours postbirth (5 minutes narrated segment for parents; 20 minutes non-narrated segment for professionals; send a check payable to Georgetown University Hospital for $54.95 to The Lactation Center and Milk Bank, Georgetown University Hospital, 3800 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC 20007)
UNICEF four-in-one video includes:
Hofvander Y. Breastfeeding revisited.
Breastfeeding: a global priority. Co-produced by the Division of Public Affairs and the Division of Information (RTFS), UNICEF
Armstrong H, Kamau M. Feeding low birth weight babies. Co-produced by IBFAN and UNICEF
Mother Kangaroo, a light of hope. UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1988
This set of videotapes is available from Tony Tirado, Division of Information, RTFSH9-F, Unicef, 3 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017. (Include a $40 check payable to UNICEF)
WHO Documents
Bellman M, Diaz-Rossello JL. Preliminary report of a joint consultation. In: WHO. Consensus Conference on Appropriate Technology following Birth, Trieste, 7-11 October 1986
Schmidt E, Wittreich G. Care of the abnormal newborn: a random controlled trial study of the “kangaroo method” of care of low birth weight newborns. In: WHO. Consensus Conference on Appropriate Technology following Birth, Trieste, 7-11 October 1986
WHO. Birth weight surrogates. The relationship between birth weight, arm and chest circumference. Division of Family Health, Geneva, 1987
WHO. Indicators for assessing breastfeeding practices. Division of Diarrhoeal and Acute Respiratory Disease Control (WHO/CDD/SER/91.14), Geneva, 1991
WHO. 55th World Health Assembly. Child health and development: health of the newborn. Geneva, 1992
WHO. Low birth weight. A tabulation of available information. Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programme (WHO/MCH/92.2), Geneva, 1992
WHO. Thermal control of the newborn: a practical guide. Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programme (WHO/FHE/MSM/93.2), Geneva, 1993
WHO. Mother-baby package: implementing safe motherhood in countries. Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programme (WHO/FHE/MSM/94.11), Geneva, 1994
WHO. Perinatal mortality. A listing of available information. Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood Programme (WHO/FRH/MSM/96.7), Geneva, 1996
WHO. Essential newborn care. Report of a Technical Working Group, Trieste, 25-29 April 1994. Maternal and Newborn Health / Safe Motherhood (WHO/FRH/MSM/96.13), Geneva, 1996
WHO. Care in normal birth: a practical guide. Maternal and Newborn Health / Safe Motherhood Unit (WHO/FRH/MSM/96.24), Geneva, 1996
WHO. Basic newborn resuscitation: a practical guide. Maternal and Newborn Health / Safe Motherhood Unit (WHO/RHT/MSM/98.1), Geneva, 1998
WHO. Care of the umbilical cord: a review of the evidence. Maternal and Newborn Health / Safe Motherhood (WHO/FRH/MSM/98.4), Geneva, 1998
UNICEF Documents
UNICEF. Kangaroo treatment saves underweight babies. News Features, May 1984
Grant GP. State of the World’s Children. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1984
UNICEF. Breastfeeding management and promotion in a baby friendly hospital. UNICEF, New York, 1993
Other publications
Dr Pierre Balde, paediatrician. The Kangaroo method (interview by Anne-Claire Delval-Motro). Rev Infirm 1998 Feb;35:29
Hanrahan J. A mother’s touch. In Los Angeles Times, LA Life Section, May 9, 1995 p 1-13,14. Refers to Dr Ludington’s work and shows the research utilization that occurred after Dr Ludington’s speech at Valley Presbyterian Hospital 4 months earlier.
Norton D. Kangaroo love for premature babies. Living and Loving, Sept 1995, p 133-135 (A New Zealand Magazine)
Professor Jean-Pierre Relier, paediatrician. The Kangaroo method (interview by Anne-Claire Delval-Motro)]. Rev Infirm 1998 Feb;35:30
Seib J. Kangaroo Care: a personal touch practice in a high tech environment. RN Times, p 1-3. Relates the effects of Dr Ludington’s research and consumer book on Kangaroo Care and talks to local hospitals where it is practised.
Soukhanov AH. Word Watch. Atlantic Monthly, October 1992:127. Reports Kangaroo Care as a noun and kangarooing as a verb to mean holding the premature infant skin-to-skin against a chest.
INCLUSÃO do www.aleitamento.com => Livros brasileiros:
TOMA, T.S. e CECCHETTO, S: “Cuidado mãe canguro”, en: RENATO DE CARVALHO, M., TAMEZ, R.N. – Amamentaçao. Bases científicas. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara-Koogan, 2005.
CARVALHO, M.R. e PROCHNIK, M: “Método Mãe – Canguru de Atenção ao Prematuro/Kangaroo Mother Care” – BNDES Social – RJ – 2001.
MILTERSTEINER, A.R.: “Utilização da Posição Mãe-Canguru” – Rio Grande do Sul: Ed. ULBRA, 2004.
Com a colaboração da Dra. Tereza Toma