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IX International Conference on Kangaroo Mother Care

1 de janeiro de 1970 @ 00:00


Kangaroo Mother Care The Prime Philosophy of Care of Low Birth Weight Infants

We are very happy and proud to invite you to&hellip,

The 9th International Conference on Kangaroo Mother Care

Being hosted at our vibrant city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat state.

Global Experience and Research has proved that Kangaroo Mother Care is one of the best evidence based intervention with a great potential for saving many more low birth weight infants in countries with limited resources and improving the quality of survival of all the neonates including those from even the developed countries with optimal resources.

International Network on&nbsp,KMC&nbsp,holds a conference every alternate year with the main objective of promoting current research, knowledge transfer, building up proper attitudes and universalize the proper practice all over the world including the developing countries with limited resources where&nbsp,KMC&nbsp,should be the prime philosophy of care of Low Birth Weight Infants so that maximum benefit can be achieved.

India, with her globally highest burden of almost 9 million low birth weight babies is the most suited venue for holding this important convention for the first time in any of the developing countries of the world, particularly South East Asia, in the city of Ahmedabad with its unique distinction of being the first city in&nbsp,India&nbsp,to introduce the practice and study of&nbsp,KMC.

All of you who are concerned with the improved survival and well being of our newborns are requested to participate in this important meeting and share, learn and spread the philosophy of proper practice of&nbsp,KMC&nbsp,in your area and make our efforts meaningful.

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1 de janeiro de 1970